mandag 25. januar 2010

Right America: Feeling Wronged

Last week I was absent from English class. However, I got to watch the filmclips of "Right America: Feeling Wronged" even though. It is a documentary that covers some of the voices from the campaign trail in 2008. Director Alexandra Pelosi visits 28 states and captures the reactions and strong feelings from some of the supporters of John McCain, who ran for president two years ago.

The film clips clearly shows how many people was, and probably still are, against Barack Obama. One McCain supporter even called him the antichrist, while another linked him to Osama Bin Laden. They say they don't believe Obama could lead their country, and that America would not be safe if he became president. I also got an impression that people are still very prejudice and that there are a lot of racism. And a lot of people state they would leave the country if Obama won the election.

1 kommentar:

  1. Good for you, looking at the documentary even though you missed class. Seems like you have captured the essence of it too.
