tirsdag 22. september 2009

Chasing Pavements

In class, we read an excerpt from the novel "Down and out in Paris and London" written by George Orwell.The plot is mainly about poverty and how the life of a tramp is like. Orwell's description and the way he portraits it, is very thorough. We are led into a world where people treat you quite horrible. However, Orwell writes that it as not so bad as he thought it would be.The surroundings and thoughts are well described and it gives you a inside look of what it is like being a poor man trying to earn his money and make it through the day.

Here is a link to The New Yorker, where you can read some other comments about the book.

tirsdag 1. september 2009

World War 1

The character of warfare was transformed during the WW1. There was a new way of fighting and new weapons used, such as artillery and tanks. The manpower was over a million, and this kind of war was a whole new experience for the majority. This war was more of an horror for the soldiers, in contrast to WW2, where the civilians were involved as well.

The soldiers certainly did not expect what they were about to enter. Therefore the soldiers started to write poems, which were mainly about how they felt and what they experienced during the war. They focused on the hope for life and the fear for death, instead of love and romance.

My Hometown

My hometown is a place called Hosle, which is located not far from Bekkestua and Østerås. The few attractions you can experience is our local store Kiwi, the famous Sauejordet, where there are a lot of animals such as cows, horses and sheeps, wandering around. Our stadium Nadderud Stadion, which was the former soccerstadium of Stabæk. Now the stadium is used by different athletics. Hosle has a population of 7 650 people, and whenever you take the bus or go for a walk you rarely meet an unfamilier face.

Also, did you know that the famous rap duo Erik & Kriss is from Hosle?

I have lived there for about 8 years now, and I attended the elementary school and middle school. There is also a high school placed nearby, only 10 minutes from my house, which is called Eikeli. However, I decided to attend Sandvika VGS.