tirsdag 27. oktober 2009

Norwegian Sports

Biathlon is the English term used for the Norwegian winter sport "skiskyting". It combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. Another variant of biathlon is during the summer, where it is combined cross-country running with riflery. The sport is quite popular and has many fans all over the country. Our most famous biathlon athlete here in Norway is Ole Einar Bjørndalen, who has won championships loads of times.

The competition consists of a race in which contestants ski around a cross-country track. The contestants must ski as fast as they can, in addition to hitting a target while standing and in prone position. The contestant's totalt running distance/time will change and extra distance or time will be added depending on the shooting performance. And as in most competitions, the winner is the contestant with the shortest total time.

lørdag 24. oktober 2009

Lions For Lambs

The film is about how an American senator, a reporter and a college professor are all connected. The senator is meeting up with Janine, a reporter, to cover a story of what is happening in Afghanistan and what the plans are for the future by presenting a new war stragety. This plan may risk the fates of the two soldiers Arian and Ernest, who are stuck in the field on Taliban ground, wounded and alone. The two were students of Professor Malley at the college. Now the professor is reaching out for another student, a very bright student, who has becomed absent in his class. He wants to encourage the student to get more involved in the American society, and change the situations without joining the army.

tirsdag 13. oktober 2009

To Our Korean Friends

On my way to school today I was really freezing, even though I got my jacket on.. The snow has not yet arrived, but it is still quite cold outside. This is the beginning of Winter, the last season of the year. We have four seasons in Norway; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. During the winter we have low temperatures, hence the warm clothes. Meaning because of the weahter you have to dress properly. However, the sun tends to shine sometimes, and when it does, it gets quite hot outside. The worst thing to happen is rain. If it snows and rains at the same time, it is horrible. It melts together and forms a thing we call "sludd", this is an awful and very gravy-like mixture of the two, it is called "sleet" in English.

So how is your weather in Korea? Do you ever experience a cold day on your way to school? :)